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The 2nd Short Film Competition 第2屆短片競賽

Updated: Jul 11, 2020

The 2nd Short Film Competition aims to develop and bring up the Taiwanese and Australian new talents by premiere their work at the 3rd Taiwan Film Festival in Sydney. The competition will have two stages in selecting the works; the first stage for the Taiwan Film Festival in Sydney programming team to select 4 finalists to be in the competition. The second stage will be selected by the directors Maya Newell, Ya-Chuan Hsiao and Sally Wu, to select the winner of the competition. The winner will be announced on the 23 July. 



Taiwan Film Festival in Sydney Australia 雪梨澳洲台灣影展

The 2nd Short Film Competition finalists 第2屆短片競賽入圍名單

  • Lipstick 《口紅》

Directed by Etsen Chen 陳彥廷, Nuhash Humayhun, Kawakibi Muttaqien and Xixi Wang

  • Unnamed《未命名》

Directed by Chun-Yu Chang 張均瑜 & Gao Hong 洪德高

  • Be Shit or Not To Be《洛西・布拉西》

Directed by  Kuan-Chung Chen 陳冠仲

  • A-Tien《阿添》

Directed by Yueh-Tzu Robby Sun 孫悅慈

Taiwan Film Festival in Sydney Australia 雪梨澳洲台灣影展

Juriese 本屆國際評審團介紹

Maya Newell

Director and product for In My Blood It Runs (2019), Gaby Baby (2015) and A Good Hunter (2012). “I've always been driven by the desire for social change. I think to be a good filmmaker, it’s important to be acutely aware of the world around you and to be clear about what you want to say” - Maya Newell, UTS Alumni

澳洲紀錄片導演,2007年完成首部紀錄片《Richard》,2015年憑藉《Gayby Baby》入選62屆雪梨影展觀眾票選獎。最新作品《In My Blood It Runs》入選Durban International Film Festival的最佳紀錄片。

Ya-Chuan Hsiao 蕭雅全

Director for Father to Son (2018), Taipei Exchanges (2010) and MIrror Image (2000). “No one else will help you tell the stories about your countries, nor your parents’ stories. To tell, to record, to keep are all rely on your own creativity and responsibility” - Director Hsiao, Crossing 換日線


Sally Wu 吳郁瑩

Director and editor for The Good Daughter (2019), editor for American Frontline doc-series Country Boys. “There are places and issues that people don’t know because it’s forgotten or ignored, it’s neglected and it’s not ok. I really think it’s not good for a country or society to neglect knowing these people exist in their own land” - Sally Wu, Q&A on The Good Daughter. 

曾為紀錄片《阿嬤候選人》及美國公共電視Frontline系列《Country Boys》擔任剪接。2013年起從事紀錄片製片工作,作品有《摩梭姐妹》等。最新作品《阿紫》雙料入選金馬獎和台北電影節最佳紀錄片。

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