Brand-new Taiwanese film and series you can watch on Netflix this month.
本月推薦 on Netflix :《切小金家的旅館》和《魂囚西門 Green Door》
The comedy horror, Secrets in the Hot Spring directed by Kuan-Hui Lin. It's funny, creative but also has a surprisingly touching story to tell. Looking for something light and fun to watch? this is it for you.
The fantasy horror series, Green Door directed by Lingo Hsieh, adapted from Taiwanese author Joseph Chen’s novel of the same title. Green Door includes Jam Hsiao won Golden Melody Awards, Ying-Hsuan Hsieh (Dear Ex) won Best Actress at Golden Horse 2018 and Wei-Hua Lan won Best Actor at Golden Bell 2018. The story follows a psychologist meet mysterious patients and strange events start to happen. With Stunning production, costume and sounds design, it's certainly one of the must-see tv series from Taiwan.
導演謝庭菡執導的驚悚影集《魂囚西門 》,改編九色夫的同名小說,描述一名心理師為鬼魂們進行心理輔導的故事。集結了「金曲歌王」蕭敬騰飾演心裡醫生、「金馬影后」謝盈萱飾演被附身的珠寶店店長、「金鐘影帝」藍葦華等許多超強大陣容卡司。這會是台灣版的福爾摩斯嗎?強大陣容,服裝特效等配樂也都是專業精細,絕對是本月必看的影集!