Media release provided by GagaOOLala, scroll down to read in chinese.

GagaOOLala’s annual LGBTQ+ filmmaking conference adds pitching sessions in collaboration with the Taiwan Creative Content Agency
The second edition of GOL SUMMIT, Asia’s largest LGBTQ+ filmmaking conference, has been officially announced. This year, its organizer, Taiwan’s streaming platform GagaOOLala, in collaboration with the Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA) and as part of the 2020 Taiwan Creative Content Fest International Market (TCCF) is offering investment opportunities for local and international short, features and series.
In 2019, GagaOOLala launched it's very first LGBTQ+ summit, with more than 20 international guests, came together to share their interest and experience. Plus many insightful panels discussions to talk about the upcoming productions and the film industry in Taiwan.
The 2020 edition will be hosted completely online from 16-17 November. The first day will be dedicated to the GagaOOLala Pitching Sessions, where the 15 shortlisted projects eligible for investment opportunities will be presented to the attendees and the panel of international juries.
The panel international juries includes:
Pierre Cheung (SVP & GM Asia at ViacomCBS Networks International),
Quark Henares (Head of Globe Studios),
Jennifer Jao (Director of the Taipei Film Commission),
Michael Leow (Entertainment Lawyer and Partner at Haldanes Solicitors & Notaries),
Jay Lin (CEO of GagaOOLala),
Janine Stein (Editorial Director at ContentAsia),
Indra Suharjono (Senior Media Advisor at JKN Global Media) and
Lorna Tee (Film Producer and Head of the International Film Festival & Awards Macao).
Among this year’s investment opportunities are:
Gold Award: US$100,000 (for feature films or series)
Silver Awards: US$50,000 (for feature films or series)
Bronze Awards: US$10,000 (for short films or pilot episodes)
The second day of the 2020 GOL SUMMIT will present five panels featuring international experts that will explore the emerging trends of queer cinema from all different production stages: development, financing, production, distribution and marketing.
The online submissions for the GagaOOLala Pitching Sessions opened on 16 October, 2020 and will close at 18:00 (GMT+8:00), 6 November, 2020.
Submission guidelines:
2020 GOL SUMMIT will take place on 16-17 November online and free of charge.
To receive an alert once registrations are open sign up here:

「2020 GOL SUMMIT 高峰會」 百萬獎金徵求潛力LGBTQ+ 影視作品與國際合製企劃
亞洲最大LGBTQ+影視製作研討會「第二屆 GOL SUMMIT 高峰會」即將於11月16到17日登場,邀請多位跨國影視產業專家線上開講針對LGBTQ+ 影視製作新趨勢。今年主辦單位 GagaOOLala 與文策院「2020 創意內容大會(TCCF)」首次共同合作舉辦,並擴大增設「GagaOOLala Pitching Sessions (GPS) 國際提案大會」影視獎項,獎金破百萬,希望為全球與台灣 LGBTQ+ 影視製作,提供資金與資源助攻,創造更多機會並擴大國際影響力。
近年全球各地市場對 LGBTQ+ 影視投資意願持續提升,大量尋求有潛力的 LGBTQ+ 原創故事,特別是台灣,作為亞洲第一個同婚合法的國家,在今年除了有口碑票房持續衝高的《刻在你心底的名字》,緊接著亦有多部同志電影即將在戲院推出。五月份將服務推展全球的台灣影音平台GagaOOLala,也在今年推出多部台灣原創與國際合製LGBTQ+作品,包括集結多位台灣知名演員的《幸福選擇題五部曲》、台菲合製以新冠肺炎疫情為背景的寫實影集《愛無所禁》、台泰合製BL電影《戀愛完成式》續集,以及目前正在陸續開拍進行中的《同志音樂愛情故事》系列,廣結10位國際導演共同開發10部同志微電影+MV,都展現了台灣多元化的 LGBTQ+ 影視創作動能。
GPS國際提案大會,百萬獎金等你拿!文策院加碼提供「國際合製激勵方案」 「第二屆 GOL SUMMIT 高峰會」今年增設「GPS國際提案大會」並首次與文策院「2020 創意內容大會(TCCF)」聯名舉辦,期待匯聚全球 LGBTQ+ 影視人才、產業菁英,提供資金支持、開發製作協助、與後端行銷發行管道,打造亞洲最大最具影響力的 LGBTQ+ 國際交流平台。目前線上徵件已開跑至11月6日截止,屆時將有15部入圍企劃能進入「GPS國際提案大會」爭取「百萬獎金」的投資機會。
ViacomCBS傳媒集團副總裁暨亞洲區總經理張國禮 (Pierre Cheung)
環球電信 Globe Studios 總裁 Quark Henares
何敦律師行合夥人廖永豐(Michael Leow)
杰德影音 GagaOOLala 執行長林志杰
Content Asia 編輯總監Janine Stein
JKN Global Media 高級媒體顧問楊端雲(Indra Suharjono)
電影製作人及澳門國際影展共同創辦人鄭碧雪(Lorna Tee)
GOL SUMMIT 高峰會,多位跨國影視產業專家分享 LGBTQ+ 影視製作新趨勢
「第二屆 GOL SUMMIT 高峰會」X「GPS國際提案大會」將於11月16日到17日全程線上舉辦。其中包含五場專題研討會,邀請全球與台灣 LGBTQ+ 影視產業專家齊聚一堂分享經驗與見解,主題涵蓋影片籌資、內容開發、IP 改編、製作、發行、行銷,活動皆免費報名參加,一起來關注 LGBTQ+ 影視製作新趨勢。
線上徵件已經正式開跑,繳件截止日到11月6日,歡迎各界好手提案屬於你的 LGBTQ+ 精采故事,爭取多項百萬獎金。
11月17日「GOL SUMMIT 高峰會」
