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In Conversation with The Membranes Author Chi Ta-Wei


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Guest Speaker 講者

THE MEMBRANES author Chi Ta-Wei


Ta-Wei first published THE MEMBRANES in 1996, queer science fiction set in the twenty-first-century futuristic city (it was very futuristic 26 years ago). The short novel has been translated into seven languages and is currently being translated into Spanish. 


Ta-Wei (he/him/his) is also an associate professor in Taiwanese Literature at National Chengchi University, Taiwan. His monograph in Chinese discusses LGBT and literature in Taiwanese history from the 1960s to the new millennium. The monograph is currently being translated into Korean, Japanese, and English.


"Chi's novel is rich in its exploration of queerness, gender fluidity, identity politics, memory, the digitalisation and mediation of reality, and the act of reading. The Membranes rewards repeated reading, growing increasingly poignant as it builds toward its startling – and haunting – conclusion." by Declan Fry, ABC. 






「在愉悅的閱讀情緒中不知不覺地被作者狠狠地在胸口刺上一刀,是近年來少有的閱讀經驗。我想,這是個人希望〈膜〉能得獎,能被多數人閱讀的主要原因。」— 吳念真


「紀老師的小說豐富的探索著對於酷兒、性別、身份、記憶、科技與現實等議題。從淒美的劇情到驚人的轉折,最後配上難以忘懷的結局。《膜》絕對值得一讀再讀,」Declan Fry,ABC。

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The Bookshop Darlinghurst


Kinokuniya Bookstore

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