Jul 9, 2023Love, Gangsters, and Unforgettable Performances: Behind the Scenes of Giddens Ko's Film MISS SHAMPOO"MISS SHAMPOO" tells the story of a hairdresser, portrayed by Vivian Sung, who encounters Chun Feng, a mafia leader seeking refuge...
Jul 8, 2023LITTLE BLUE 《小藍》- explores female self-discovery, lust, and passionLITTLE BLUE is fearlessly honest in representing women who are navigating their sexual desires and who are trying to get in touch with their
Jun 25, 2023NETFLIX SERIES: WAVE MAKERS - Reflections of Power 影集《人選之人—造浪者》A heated election is on the horizon. A team of campaign staffers must confront tough choices while navigating a political landscape.
Dec 22, 2022Submissions Now Open for 2023 Taiwan Film Festival in Australia 《第六屆》澳洲台灣影展 開放徵件The 6th Taiwan Film Festival in Australia will take place from 20 July to 20 August 2023. Submissions Now Open.
Oct 9, 2022HOMEBOUND - A UNIQUE HYBRID DOCUMENTARY SHORT FILMHOMEBOUND - A unique hybrid documentary using animation to capture the life of migrant workers in Taiwan 《HOMEBOUND》–...
Aug 26, 2022GREEN JAIL - A HIDDEN STORY FROM THE PASTWritten by Li Ji GREEN JAIL focuses on the story of Taiwanese miners and their descendants on Iriomote Island during the World War II....